I’ll publish here posts which may have educational value.
Usual and unusual ways to connect I²C device to the PC computer
Listing every possible way to connect I²C device to the computer I came up with.
Buderus 2107 as an electric water heater controller
I adapted a Buderus oil furnace controller to operate an electric immersion heater as a temporary solution for domestic hot water (DHW) in my house.
Compiling C++ application for Windows target under Linux
Setting up a C++ development environment for a Windows target under Linux may be tricky. To simplify the process, I provide a CMake project suitable for using MinGW under CLion and running the application in Wine.
Extracting security codes from old car radios
I needed to determine the security code for the Becker Europa 2000 radio commonly installed in Mercedes-Benz W124. I dumped the contents of an internal EEPROM via I²C and read the code.
Constant 3.3 V power supply on Baofeng UV-5R/UV-5X microphone connector mod
An easy hack for Baofeng UV-5R/UV-5X replaces the dual-PTT functionality with a constant 3.3 V on the 3.5 mm jack tip. This is useful for microphones that require additional power.
Eavesdropping on USB communication for reverse-engineering using Wireshark and VirtualBox and writing a user-space driver in Python
If you have an unusual USB device that comes with its own Windows application, chances are that Linux software for it does not exist. What if I told you that it is fairly easy to examine USB communication with Wireshark and write the driver in Python?
Determining the pinout of the unknown vacuum fluorescent display
Once-ubiquitous vacuum fluorescent displays are easy to reverse-engineer. Their mysterious green glow complements retro-styled devices well. In this tutorial, I show a simple technique to determine the pinout of an unknown vacuum fluorescent display.